We are dedicated to dancing fun into every lesson we teach
Meet Matthew and Dani
We’ve built an amazing social studio over the last 13 years which students call their happy place or second home! Over the years we have become a community rather than just a dance a studio, and this is all down to our amazing team who are all skilled professionals but more importantly happy, fun people who love their jobs.
Matthew Aker
Studio Owner and Senior Instructor
Matthew is the driving force behind the studio and a true visionary when it comes to dancing. His 18-year International career has seen him shine a spotlight on couples teaching, pioneer new ways of learning and create a unique studio that is all about the fun and excitement of social dancing. He’s not your traditional dancer who fell in love with dancing; he fell in love with what dancing can do for people.
Matthew is all about the individual and how dancing can affect different parts of your life from learning new skills, building fitness or spending more time with your partner, overcoming loneliness or finding some “me” time. The new studio in Dural is the culmination of Matthews experience as a teacher, mentor and business owner and brings together a new and innovative approach to learning to dance.
Dani Bliss
Studio Manager and Senior Instructor
Dani has had a love affair with dancing since she was 9 years old and her father gave in to her pestering for lessons. At just 17 she became a qualified instructor and joined SDC studios in 2010. As a senior instructor, she specialises in working with couples and solo men. Her love affair isn’t just for the dancing but more for the teaching, she enjoys seeing students, who initially thought they had “two left feet” grow in both confidence and skills. She is an amazing teacher who has a passion for working with couples and has taught some of our couples for almost 8 years.
Dani is an expert at developing foolproof teaching methods to get students up and dancing socially in no time at all. As a studio owner, she loves working with the team and creating a great environment, but the real the thrill is seeing how dancing can have a major impact on a student’s life.